Martin Plaut
Oct 29
The 2017 - 2020 report can be read in full below. It is noticeable that nowhere does the Eritrean government refer to elections. This is required by the African Union Charter.
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There is also no mention of the ratification of the Constitution. It does, however, attack the Tigray People's Liberation Front at every opportunity.
Source: user_email=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">African Union
Aug 24, 2023
I. Introduction
1.1. Objectives
1. In 2017 Eritrea submitted its Initial and combined National Report on the African Charter covering the period 1991-2016. The Report was discussed during the 62nd African Commission for human and People‟s Rights (ACHPR) regular session (25 April to 9 May, 2018). During the Session the Eritrean Delegation presented a summary of the report and gave oral as well written responses to the questions and observations of the ACHPR.
2. Pursuant to Article 62 of the ACHPR, Eritrea is again submitting the 2017-2020 National Report on the African Charter. The submission has been delayed due to the Corona pandemic and other situations. The Report as usual is coordinated by the MOFA through the inter-sector National Coordination Body (NCB) ensuring the contribution of relevant ministries, institutions and national associations. The following factors have been considered:- · the conditions, programs and measures taken to respect, protect and fulfill human rights · the rights and duties as well as the cooperation entailed in Eritrea‟s implementation and observance of its responsibilities under the Charter · importance of using the Report to further strengthen dignified engagement and cooperation based on partnership with the ACHPR
3. The Report covers the period 2017-2020 and was finalized at the end of 2021 after submissions and comprehensive discussions by relevant sectors and national associations. Due to circumstances however, the Report‟s submission to the Commission has been delayed. The process for the preparation of 2021-2022 periodic report is also starting soon.
Full Report is here:
user_email=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">eritrea-periodic-report2017-2020eng (1)user_email=This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">Download
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