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Eritrea Festival 2014 Committee Releases Further Vital Information

2014-08-26 10:23:20 Written by  Published in English Articles Read 28893 times

By providing additional information about Eritrea Festival 2014 which is to be held in Frankfurt between 8 to 10 August, the Preparatory Committee listed the honour guests from officials of the host country, Germany, as well as from the political organizations and the civil society who will be part in the Festival seminar and panel discussions.

Representative of the Mayor of Frankfurt and a delegate of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD) will be among the first speakers taking up the podium alongside the EPDP Chairman, Mr. Menghesteab Asmerom, who is expected to expound party vision on what should be on the days ahead to change the situation in Eritrea.

The major Friday 8 August event is a seminar that will study the Pretoria Statement of last May to enrich and promote the ideals enshrined in it. Among the speakers at the Friday seminar, who will also join the Festival Panel on Saturday, will include:

  • Ambassador Andebrhan Weldegiorigis, leadership member of the Eritrean Forum for National Dialogue (Medrek), who was one of the keynote speakers in Pretoria
  • Mr. Tesfalem Araya, foreign relations head for the South Africa-based Eritrean Movement for Democracy and Human Rights (EMHDR), that organized the Pretoria Workshop
  • Mr. Biniam Debesai, representative of the Eritrean Movement for Change (EMC)
  • Representative of the Eritrean Youth Solidarity Movement (EYSC)
  • Representative of Citizens for democratic Rights in Eritrea (CDRiE)
  • ENDF representatives Abdurahman Sayed (Bohasehm) and Assefaw Berhe

Among the invited political organizations that have confirmed their presence at the Festival include the following:

  • The Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF)
  • Eritrean Federal Democratic Movement (EFDM)
  • Eritrean NahdaParty (ENP)
  • Eritrean Islamic Party for Development and Justice (EIPDJ)

Civil society organizations that shall will have the opportunity to express views on the current Eritrean situation are:

  • Free Initiative for Women’s Association of Germany
  • Network of Eritrean Women in Germany

The other major highlight of Festival Eritrea 2014 will be presentation and a film show with a photo gallery exhibition by the human rights activist from Sinai, Mr. Hamdy Al Azazy.

The preparatory has confirmed that Festival Panel Moderator for Saturday will be . Abdurahman Sayed assisted by Ms Adiam Teferi.

The main Festival Panel on Saturday will dwell on the theme: What is to be done to remove the dictatorial regime and replace it by system that can promote peace, justice and democracy in Eritrea?

The key panelists mentioned earlier will take part in dealing on these taking into consideration points that include the following:

  • The question of unity for joint action by Eritrean opposition forces
  • The causes and possible immediate remedies of the ongoing social breakdown in Eritrea, and the frightening dispersal of the young generation
  • How we can help in making the Eritrean opposition media of better service to the people’s cause for positive change
  • Other issues to be raised by the Panel Moderators

Summary of additional clarification by

The Festival preparatory Committee

Last modified on Tuesday, 26 August 2014 17:47