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EPDP Central Council Holds 4th Regular Session; Calls for National Seminar of Opposition Forces Featured

2014-08-11 00:00:00 Written by  Published in English Articles Read 39439 times

EPDP Central Council Holds 4th Regular Session;

Calls for National Seminar of Opposition Forces

EPDP Central Committee

At the end of a chain of meetings as part of its 4th regular session since the last party congress, the Central Council of the Eritrean People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) issued an important statement which, inter alia, calls for a national seminar of all the opposition forces with the aim of identifying factors of fragmentation and try to find an effective solution that can empower the forces struggling for change and democratization in Eritrea.

The EPDP Central Council endorsed the pastoral letter of four Catholic bishops in Eritrea and urged other religious leaders in the country to follow their example.

It decided to hold the second congress in 2015 and designated a preparatory committee and a nominating committee that shall list leadership candidates to be submitted at the congress.

The Central Council heard reports of the Festival 2014 committee and expressed satisfaction with the details that promised a very unique and successful festival in Frankfurt between 8 and 10 August 2014.

Printed below is the full version of the EPDP CC statement translated from the original Tigrinia text. Subtitles are included by the Harnnet.org editors. Good reading.


Final Statement of EPDP Central Council

The fourth regular session of the Central Council of the Eritrean People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) held four meetings on 19-20 July and again on 26-27 July 2014 in which it thoroughly discussed the prevailing situation inside Eritrea; explored the state of the Eritrean opposition forces in the diaspora, and evaluated performances of the EPDP during the past 12 months.

On situation of Eritrea and its people

The Council took note of the fact that the people in Eritrea, including the armed forces, are widely voicing out their utter disappointment and disapproval of the regime and its policies for the ever worsening overall situation in the country. The younger generations, whose future has been blighted by the excessive wrongdoings of the regime, are continuing their flight to unknown destinations. Because of this, the policies and practices of regime are being continually subjected to condemnations by global human rights advocacies, governments, and institutions of the European Union as well as by the United Nations that imposed targeted sanctions on the country.

Endorsing the Pastoral Letter

The pastoral letter of four Eritrean Catholic bishops, that queries as to where one’s brother is, one’s sister is, and how one’s people are doing, is reflective of the really sad situation in the country. It indeed is a powerful message that calls on everyone to shoulder one’s responsibility with the rest of the nation. The EPDP Central Council seized the opportunity to support and endorse the pastoral message, and call on leaders of Eritrean Christian and Muslim denominations to follow the footsteps of the four bishops.

Theatricals of a Terrified Regime

Terrified by these and other ongoing developments related to the struggle for change, the dictatorial regime vainly resorted to its usual deceptive intrigues and public consumption ploys like a recent pledge to “draft” a constitution, and semblance of change in government structure and practices. The newly devised dramas and theatricals include the regime’s “resolve” in taking action against insider human traffickers; falsehoods on its achievement on diplomatic relations, and the non-existent economic growth of the country. To divert the growing popular wrath against it, the repressive regime is trying to saw seeds of discord based on primordial feelings.

On separation of religion and politics

On top of strongly condemning such evil acts by the regime, the 4th regular CC session called on all citizens to recognize and accept the fact that the PFDJ regime in Asmara, that does not represent any region or religious denomination, is a common enemy of all Eritreans, irrespective of their religion, origin or political orientation, and that they should never be diverted from their common stand and struggle to put an end to this sole source of their collective suffering. Likewise, the CC urged all Eritrean religious leaders to uphold the principle of separation of the state and the church/mosque, and stay away from being misled by temporary privileges given by the regime - privileges that can prove to be detrimental to the unity and harmony of the people.

On EPDP performances

Evaluating party performances during the year under review, the 4th CC session received with appreciation Party achievements in the spheres of diplomacy, public relations, information, and social affairs. It noted with delight the fact that the Eritrean opposition camp is likely to be a beneficiary of the success by EPDP in its forging relations with important global political groupings [like the Progressive Alliance and the Socialist International]. In the information and public sectors, the EPDP has very well succeeded in distancing itself from inter-opposition squabbles and, instead, focused its struggle against the repressive regime. Through relentless diplomatic visits and memos to all concerned governments and global bodies, the Party advocated the protection and defense of the rights of Eritrean refugees in the Horn of Africa region, in Sinai, in Israel, in Libya, in Djibouti and other places. As a result, the EPDP received pleasant reassurances for action by the EU and a number of European states. The 4th session also noted with pride the ongoing [30-year old] worthy education project for children at Wad-Sherifey in Easter Sudan whose upkeep had cost dearly. At this junction, the Central Council commended and appreciated the Swiss-Eritrea Association for Eritrean children (ASEE), and the Eritrean Democratic Association (EDA) in North America for their assistance in recent years to this education project, as well as the care given to disabled Eritreans in Kassala by the other non-profit Association for Disabled Eritreans (ADE) which is registered in France. On the other hand, the EPDP leadership seriously looked at its less active bodies so that they could be revitalized for effective work during the months ahead. The new Executive Committee will hold special meetings to this end.

The Central Council also expressed its admiration and commendation to the Party membership whose contribution and support to the recorded achievements was very critical and historic.

On 2nd EPDP Congress

The upcoming Second Party Congress [scheduled for 2015] was another important topic for CC discussions. At the end, it was agreed at forming a nine-person preparatory committee and five-person nominating committee that will study and prepare a list of the right candidates for future EPDP leadership.

On Eritrea Festival 2014

The CC session scrutinized a report presented by the Festival 2014 preparatory committee and believed that the highly satisfactory preparations are likely to lead to a unique and very successful festival. The committee was commended for its effective work so far accomplished.

National Seminar of the Eritrean Opposition

Giving sufficient discussion time during the four-day meetings of the 4th CC session to bilateral and group consultations with fraternal Eritrean political organizations, the Central Council expressed EPDP’s unrelenting commitment to continue unity efforts until the goal for joint action is achieved. The CC reached the conviction that the struggle for democracy and justice in Eritrea is growing by the day while the camp of the dictatorship is shrinking very fast. However, the EPDP leadership also expressed deep concern about the unresolved state of fragmentation in the opposition camp and underlined the urgency of finding a solution to it.

Springing from this belief, the Central Council underlined the urgency of holding an opposition-wide seminar in which the Eritrean National Council for Democratic Change (ENCDC), the EPDP, the Eritrean National Forum for Dialogue (Medrek), and other political and civil society organizations not represented at ENCDC could take part to study the problems and try to find the right solution. On top of this, the CC session reiterated its programmatic conviction on the importance of working seriously on unification of political organizations with similar work programmes, and the creation of an alignment at a minimum programme with those that have different political orientations.

On empowering youth in the struggle for change

The EPDP Council also took the opportunity to encourage and commend the growing participation in the struggle for change by members of the new generation and women compatriots, and reminded that they still needed to cultivate the will and sincere commitment for a common and cohesive struggle.

Critical role of the media

Likewise, the 4th CC session recognized the critical role of the media outlets in the opposition camp and urged them to have their focus only on the repressive regime at home and never fail from supporting and encouraging all the forces opposed to the dictatorship at home.

On need of warm welcome for ex-PFDJ

Likewise, in order to widen popular participation in the struggle and quicken the fall of the dictatorship, the CC urged all concerned in the opposition camp to avoid living in past grudges and welcome with open heart those dropping the dictatorship at anytime, and trustfully accept them as full comrades-in-struggle, as we did in the liberation struggle period. The CC believed that it is not the time to raise accusing fingers at anybody before removing the dictatorship and establishing a system of governance based on the rule of law and justice where everyone can be accounted for in a just manner.

Lampedusa tragedy, as a picture of Eritrean situation

The EPDP Central Council believed that, the Lampedusa tragedy of last autumn which shocked the entire world is an expressive example of what is happening to Eritrea and its people. The Council expressed gratitude to all Eritreans and foreigners who tried to speak out on the subject and console bereaved families. However, the session regretted the continuing failure to identify all the victims and grant proper burial to their remains, some of which are still under the sea bed.

At this juncture, it solemnly remembered the loss during the year under review of an active Party member, Asghedom Ghebremedhin (Wedi Bashai), as well as the recent martyrdom of long-time freedom fighters Mebrat Beyene and Zekarias Fissehaye and paid tribute to them and other Eritrean martyrs who preceded him and expressed sympathies with the bereaved families.

The Council also expressed deep concern about the unknown condition of EPDP CC member Mohammed Ali Ibrahim who disappeared in Kassala in early 2012. It renewed its call on concerned human rights organizations to help trace the whereabouts of the EPDP leadership member.

On the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza

The CC session was dismayed by the ongoing bloodletting in the Gaza Strip and conveyed its sympathies with the victims of the conflict. It reiterated the conviction that violence cannot be a solution to the problem and hoped the Israelis and the Palestinians will find a just solution acceptable to both sides. The EPDP also hoped that the world community will provide the urgently required humanitarian assistance to the affected civilian population in Gaza.

New work programme adopted, EC elected

In conclusion, the 4th CC session adopted a new work programme for the new executive committee that was elected in a democratic manner.

We struggle for peace, democracy and social justice!!

Glory and eternal memory to Eritrean martyrs!!

27 July, 2014

Last modified on Thursday, 28 August 2014 06:31